Poverty: It Ain’t What It Used to Be (Pittsburgh edition)

One in seven Americans now receives food stamps. Leftist politicians rage about inequality. The media trumpets that almost half the country is “poor or near poor.” And yet the average “poor” family has a car, two color TVs, cable or satellite TV, a VCR, a DVD player, air conditioning, and a cell phone, in addition to a washer and dryer, refrigerator, stove, and microwave. That suggests that … Continue reading Poverty: It Ain’t What It Used to Be (Pittsburgh edition)

Gender Balances in Universities

Robert Weissberg talks about the war against men on college campuses. Meanwhile Gail Heriot and Alison Somin write about discrimination against women in college admissions. Women already out number men 4-3 on college campuses; soon it will be 3-2. The statistics would be even more marked if one didn’t count the men we import to fill slots in engineering and the sciences. There are many … Continue reading Gender Balances in Universities

Climate Fraud

Alec Rawls makes the case for omitted variable fraud in global climate change models. His lengthy article is worth your time. The general idea: There is massive and well-accepted evidence for the influence of solar activity on the earth’s climate. For the 1750-2010 period examined, two variables correlate strongly with the observed warming (and hence with each other). Solar magnetic activity and atmospheric CO2 were … Continue reading Climate Fraud

1989 and All That

Janet Daley asks why the lessons of the fall of Communism haven’t been learned. But in spite of the official agreement that there is no other way to organise the economic life of a free society than the present one (with a few tweaks), there are an awful lot of people implicitly behaving as if there were. Several political armies seem to be running on … Continue reading 1989 and All That

Bankruptcy Court

I have (justifiably!) blamed the Obama administration for the country’s fiscal problems. But one shouldn’t overlook the role of activist courts in placing huge financial burdens on states and localities. Steven Malanga tells the story of “The Court that Broke [New] Jersey.” Lauded by proponents of “living” constitutions who urge courts to make policy instead of interpret the law as written, the New Jersey Supreme … Continue reading Bankruptcy Court

Someone should be fired over this…

but of course they won’t be. A North Carolina preschooler wasn’t allowed to eat her lunch—a turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, and apple juice—because it didn’t meet federal guidelines. Instead, she was given a school lunch, and ate chicken nuggets. Federal guidelines require that a lunch include one serving each of meat, dairy, and grain, and two of fruits and vegetables. Children’s lunches … Continue reading Someone should be fired over this…