A Nice Ride To School

From Red State, Cody Alicia gets an excellent escort to school Monday morning. He had been warned not to ride his bike to school with the American flag flying on the back. Be sure to watch the video from the TV station – its not embedded in the Red State post, but has some comments from Cody. Cody at the end, was too choked up … Continue reading A Nice Ride To School

Aristotle and Poljanski Explain the Election

Branko Ve Poljanski The President and his left-wing medias lackeys seem not to understand the results of the Congressional midterm elections. I don’t think it’s difficult at all. Here are two relevant quotations, the first from Aristotle’s Politics—with which I’m sure our “we’re smarter than you are” overlords have an intimate familiarity—and the second from Serbian poet Branko Ve Poljanski, explaining to F. T. Marinetti … Continue reading Aristotle and Poljanski Explain the Election

A Sea of Red

I have argued that our politics is essentially a battle between Locke and Rousseau. Yesterday’s election was one of the most directly philosophical that I can remember. The Republican Party is increasingly the party of Locke; the Democratic Party, the party of Rousseau. Framed that starkly, Locke wins almost everywhere except the coasts and areas that are heavily populated by minority voters. Continue reading A Sea of Red